When used correctly, testimonials can be a powerful and effective marketing tool to use as part of your content strategy, on your website and in your marketing materials. Testimonials, which I consider a form of word of mouth, carry a lot of weight in the minds of prospective customers because it gives them a glimpse of how you run your business from a client’s point of view.
4 Reasons Why Blogging for Your Salon is a Good Idea
Sulfates – The Not So Great
5 Tips to Help You Increase Your Client Retention
Choosing the Right Hair Extensions for You
Knowing how to buy hair human extensions is important, but aside from the physical quality, you should also consider the influence that hair extensions have on the quality of your life. Choosing quality is not only about the attributes of the product, that is your hair extensions, but it’s also about the wear of your hair extensions and how they influence and complement your look and your lifestyle.
Good Hair - How to Buy Human Hair Extensions
Women who don’t buy human hair extensions will never understand how difficult it is to choose the right hair. There are so many hair varieties, brands, styles, and qualities that the uneducated buyer could never be expected to know what is good and what is not.
Additionally, inexperienced hair buyers don’t always know what’s good for them. Simply stated, how can you choose the best when you either don’t know what is available to you or what to look for?
Here are five tips on what to look for when buying human hair extensions.
Menstrual Cramp Relief from a "Weed Tampon"
Finding the right red polish for your skin tone
I LOVE red! Red lipstick is my favorite beauty product in the entire world! Right behind the poppin' red lip, my heart belongs to a good red nail polish. But not all reds are complimentary to every skin tone, and though the perfect red lacquer can be a wonderful muse, finding a red nail polish that compliments your skin tone is no easy task.
Welcome to a Beauty-filled Life
Welcome to The Beauty-filled Blog, where all things beauty and lifestyle converge!
My blog will be filled with topics about beauty, health + wellness, and lifestyle. We'll explore everything from new beauty and health products to homemade remedies. There is a little bit here for everybody, and I hope you will keep your smokey eyes peeled for new content soon!
Until then...