4 Reasons Why Blogging for Your Salon is a Good Idea

Blogging, a form of content marketing, can be an arduous task if you’re already consumed with performing daily salon/spa duties. But, blogging is one of the most brilliant online marketing tools out there, yet very few beauty businesses use it.

Although time-consuming, a good quality blog with consistent content can be a powerful marketing opportunity for an ambitious salon owner or independent contractor, for a variety of reasons.

Here are four reasons you should consider blogging for your salon or spa.

1.     Promote your products and services. A blog allows you to offer more detailed information about your products or services than one would find on a website. You can really get specific in a blog post and explain more in-depth the benefits of products and the process of a service, for example. You can share photos, event notices, style trend alerts, new product information, videos, new service information, how to’s, deals/discounts, special events, updates, and new employee or other announcements. The list is endless on what you can do to add content to your blog. 

2.     Drives traffic to your website. A blog increases the amount of relevant content your salon produces; therefore it boosts your salon SEO and Google rankings and helps other search engines to find you. According to HubSpot, websites with blogs get 55% more visitors than those that do not.

3.     Helps potential customers find you on social media. Every time you blog you create shareable content for social networks. Blogging provides engaging articles to share on your social media sites and content you can use in your email marketing campaigns.

4.     Gives current and potential clients a reason to visit or re-visit your site. Once a client has the general information they need, they may never re-visit your site again…unless you produce content on your blog that interests them. Blogging sets you up for success by providing a platform in which you can engage with your clients.  

So, if you really want to get ahead of your competition and put your salon on the map, blog!

Click here to download infographic - 10 Reasons Blogging Is Good For Your Business